Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility
LG Chem is taking the lead in creating a better environment for the future in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.
  • Quality Education Society Mark Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
  • Affordable and Clean Energy Society Mark Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
  • Responsible Consumption and Production Society Mark Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
  • Climate Action Society Mark Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
  • Life on Land Society Mark Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Green Ecology

We respond to global environmental crises through activities that conserve biodiversity.

Green Ecology Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
LG Chem contributes to the creation of a healthy ecological environment by developing various social contribution projects that protect the marine ecosystem and inform the importance of Bamseom Island and biodiversity.
Blue Forest
It is a new type of social contribution project that restores the habitat of seagrass in the sea for marine ecosystem conservation and carbon reduction and engages global citizens by utilizing a virtual metaverse.

프로젝트 소개 영상

Seagrass Habitat Restoration Project
Seagrass Habitat Restoration Project Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Seagrass Habitat Restoration Project Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Seagrass Habitat Restoration Project Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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LG Chem contributes to the protection of the marine ecosystem, biodiversity conservation, and carbon reduction by restoring and supporting research projects on the seagrass habitat, one of the three major types of blue carbon offsets, on the coast of Yeosu.
Creating Your Own Forest in the Sea: "Blue Forest"
Creating Your Own Forest in the Sea: 'Blue Forest' Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Creating Your Own Forest in the Sea: 'Blue Forest' Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Creating Your Own Forest in the Sea: 'Blue Forest' Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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By building a virtual world map for creating your own forest in the sea on the metaverse platform Zepetto, we raise awareness and induce voluntary participation by providing missions and information related to the conservation of the marine ecosystem.
Conservation of Biodiversity on Bamseom Island
To conserve and inform the importance of Bamseom Island, which has been designated as a Ramsar wetland for its ecological value, LG Chem operates a wide range of social contribution projects, including biodiversity education for children and youth and the operation of the Bamseom Ecological Experience Center.

동식물의 새로운 삶의 터전이 된 밤섬 이야기
| 밤섬 생태 환경보호를 위한 노력

We are the Green Heroes
We are the Green Heroes Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
We are the Green Heroes Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
We are the Green Heroes Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
We are the Green Heroes Image4 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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By providing biodiversity education, organizing the exploration of ecological conservation areas, and planning Bamseom Island festivals, we support children and youth to grow into proactive activists who can understand and spread the value of Bamseom Island and biodiversity conservation.
We are the Green Friends
We are the Green Friends Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
We are the Green Friends Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
We are the Green Friends Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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We offer educational materials such as lesson plans, videos, and board games related to biodiversity and online classes to those in need of environmental education, such as local children's centers and schools.
Bamseom Ecological Experience Center
Bamseom Ecological Experience Center Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
We have established the Bamseom Ecological Experience Center on the Mapo Bridge to raise awareness of Bamseom Island and environmental conservation through indirect experience and educational programs.
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원앙과 수리부엉이가 밤섬에?!
밤섬 생물 그리기 원데이 클래스에서 만난 생물들!

Green Education

We foster next-generation ESG talent through science and environmental youth education.

Green Education Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
LG Chem was certified as an “Excellent Institutional Contributor to Education” by the Ministry of Education in recognition of our continued contributions to science and environmental education of children and youth.
Leading ESG Education Platform: Like Green
Through Like Green, we are nurturing ESG-minded youth who understand science, environment, and SDGs and practice green habits in their everyday life.
Leading ESG Education Platform: Like Green Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Online Mentoring
Online Mentoring Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Online Mentoring Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Online Mentoring Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Online Mentoring Image4 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Online Mentoring Image5 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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Youth environmentalists and college student mentors selected from across the country team up to conduct mentoring activities under the theme of G.R.E.E.N (Global Warming, Responsibility, Energy, Ecosystem, Next-Generation Technology) and participate in various activities to improve the environment in their daily lives.
Green Concert
Green Concert Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Green Concert Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Green Concert Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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Youth mentees and college student mentors take the initiative and organize campaigns that solve social problems by producing short videos on the study materials and research results.
Green Festival
Green Festival Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Green Festival Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Green Festival Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Green Festival Image4 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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It is a public program that helps citizens understand environmental issues and participate in establishing a conscientious ESG culture through lectures and talks by experts in the ESG field.
Green Class
Green Class Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Green Class Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Green Class Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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We develop educational materials to help students understand the environmental and social issues that future generations will face and provide them to schools and daycare institutions.
Chem Frontier Fun & Fun Festival

This festival is a creative design competition for fostering future talent in science by providing opportunities for chemical engineering majors to derive and apply ESG-related ideas.

Chem Frontier Fun & Fun Festival Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Green Economy

LG Chem takes the lead in creating social value through supporting eco-friendly economic activities.

Green Economy Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
LG Chem discovers and sponsors social enterprises in the climate and environment sector through LG Social Campus. Also, through our RZ? application, we are creating a culture where anyone can participate and donate to ESG-related causes.
LG Social Campus
LG Social Campus is a platform for supporting social and economic integration in various fields, including financial, space, growth, and talent development, to assist social enterprises in the eco-friendly sector in building a foundation for growth.

LG Social Campus: Making a better life together

Korea’s first multilateral cooperation model
Korea’s first multilateral cooperation model Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
LG Social Campus is creating shared value under the common goal of the social economy between non-profit organizations, the government, and corporations to solve social problems.
Financial support
Financial support Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Financial support Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Financial support Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
LG Chem provides management funding and performance-based incentives to innovative social enterprises that pursue public interest in the environmental sector to support their self-reliance opportunities and growth.
Growth Support
Growth Support Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Growth Support Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Growth Support Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Growth Support Image4 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
To strengthen the capacity of social enterprises that create environmental impact, we offer customized acceleration programs to assist their capacity building.
Fostering talent
We operate a number of talent training programs, including Local Value-Up and 1-Minute 1-Second Film Festival.
Local Value-Up Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Local Value-Up Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Local Value-Up Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Local Value-Up Image4 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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Local Value-Up
Solutions to local problems aim to establish a culture of locally-based social innovation for local activists to define and present alternatives for themselves.
1 Minute 1 Second Film Festival Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
1 Minute 1 Second Film Festival Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
1 Minute 1 Second Film Festival Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
1 Minute 1 Second Film Festival Image4 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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1 Minute 1 Second Film Festival
Contestants in this film festival showcase 1 minute and 1 second-long clips that suggest measures to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and help solve environmental problems.
Provision of space
Provision of space Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Provision of space Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Provision of space Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Provision of space Image4 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
LG Social Campus provides multipurpose spaces such as individual offices, meeting rooms, and lecture halls for the stable growth of social enterprises and ventures. It also operates an incubating center for early-stage ventures inside the campus.
Korea’s first multilateral cooperation model
Korea’s first multilateral cooperation model Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Korea’s first multilateral cooperation model Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Korea’s first multilateral cooperation model Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Korea’s first multilateral cooperation model Image4 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Korea’s first multilateral cooperation model Image5 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Korea’s first multilateral cooperation model Image6 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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LG Social Campus is creating shared value under the common goal of the social economy between non-profit organizations, the government, and corporations to solve social problems.
Financial support
Financial support Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Financial support Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Financial support Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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LG Chem provides management funding and performance-based incentives to innovative social enterprises that pursue public interest in the environmental sector to support their self-reliance opportunities and growth.
Growth Support
Growth Support Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Growth Support Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Growth Support Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Growth Support Image4 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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To strengthen the capacity of social enterprises that create environmental impact, we offer customized acceleration programs to assist their capacity building.
Provision of space
Provision of space Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Provision of space Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Provision of space Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Provision of space Image4 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Provision of space Image5 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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LG Social Campus provides multipurpose spaces such as individual offices, meeting rooms, and lecture halls for the stable growth of social enterprises and ventures. It also operates an incubating center for early-stage ventures inside the campus.
RZ?: The ESG Donation Challenge Application

LG Chem released a mobile application, “RZ?” for the general public to understand and practice ESG. It allows users to donate where help is needed, leading the way in solving social problems and building a sustainable environment and society.


The Simplest Way for a Sustainable Future

Short for “Re:act to Zero,” RZ? embodies our proposition to respond and take action to eradicate social conflicts, inequality, and environmental problems

ESG Action Donation Challenge App rz Poster Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem

Search and download RZ? from Google Play or the App Store. 

Green Energy

We contribute to carbon neutrality by expanding the use of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency.

Green Energy Image Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem

LG Chem contributes to greenhouse gas reduction and supports vulnerable groups by constructing solar power facilities.

Seoul Hope Green Power Plant

Seoul Hope Green Power Plant is an eco-friendly energy welfare project that installs a 622kw solar power plant on a local government-owned public site and donates the proceeds from power generation to youth and energy-vulnerable groups.


Seoul Hope Green Power Plant

Seoul Hope Green Scholarship Project
Seoul Hope Green Scholarship Project Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Seoul Hope Green Scholarship Project Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Seoul Hope Green Scholarship Project Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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LG Chem provides KRW 1 million in scholarship funds to 31 students every year to bridge the education gap and raise the academic confidence of vulnerable children and youth in Seoul.
Energy Welfare Projects
Energy Welfare Projects Image1 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Energy Welfare Projects Image2 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
Energy Welfare Projects Image3 Current operations for Corporate Social Responsibility LG Chem
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LG Chem funds heating costs and cold weather supplies to energy-vulnerable groups in Seoul to prevent cold-related illnesses and help them stay healthy through the winter.