Consolidated Financial Statements
(Unit : KRW bn)
연결 재무상태표
,지배기업 소유지주분
Division |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
Current assets |
28,859 |
29,674 |
20,414 |
Non-current assets |
48,607 |
38,299 |
30,722 |
Total assets |
77,467 |
67,974 |
51,135 |
Current liabilities |
18,391 |
16,460 |
15,062 |
Non-current liabilities |
18,138 |
14,033 |
12,863 |
Total liabilities |
36,529 |
30,493 |
27,925 |
Equity attributable to ownersof the parent |
32,193 |
31,451 |
21,694 |
Non-controlling intrests |
8,746 |
6,031 |
1,516 |
Total equity |
40,938 |
37,481 |
23,210 |
Separate Financial Statements
(Unit : KRW bn)
별도 재무상태표
Division |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
Current assets |
8,651 |
8,439 |
8,239 |
Non-current assets |
25,443 |
24,434 |
22,690 |
Total assets |
34,094 |
32,873 |
30,929 |
Current liabilities |
6,603 |
4,606 |
5,434 |
Non-current liabilities |
7,086 |
7,193 |
6,711 |
Total liabilities |
13,688 |
11,799 |
12,144 |
Total equity |
20,405 |
21,073 |
18,784 |
Consolidated income statement
(Unit : KRW bn)
연결 손익계산서
,지배기업의 소유주지분
Division |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
Revenue |
55,250 |
51,865 |
42,655 |
Operating profit |
2,529 |
2,996 |
5,026 |
Net Income |
2,053 |
2,196 |
3,954 |
Profit attributable to owners of the parent |
1,338 |
1,845 |
3,670 |
Separate Income Statement
(Unit : KRW bn)
별도 손익계산서
Division |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
Revenue |
19,947 |
23,404 |
20,471 |
Operating profit |
-109 |
1,070 |
3,019 |
Net Income |
228 |
3,007 |
2,514 |
Cash Flow
(Unit : KRW bn)
Classification |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
Beginning Cash |
8,498 |
3,761 |
3,274 |
Operating |
7,537 |
570 |
5,510 |
Capex |
-13,170 |
-9,229 |
-5,349 |
Financing |
6,158 |
13,332 |
124 |
Ending |
9,085 |
8,498 |
3,761 |
*On an accounting(disclosure)basis.