Issued Shares
(2023.12.31/ Unit : KRW bn,1,000 shares)
발행주식 현황 :구분 ,종류 ,발행주식수 ,액면가액 총액
Category Type Issued Shares Total Face Value
Registered Ordinary Shares 70,592 353
Registered Preferred Shares 7,689 38
Total 78,281 391
(As of 2023.12.31)
주주현황 :구분 ,종류 ,액면가액 총액 ,㈜LG ,외국인투자자 ,기관/개인투자자 ,자기주식 ,합계
Category Owned Shares (1,000 shares) Ratios(Ordinary Shares Basis, %)
Ordinary Shares Preferred Shares Total 2023 2022 2021
LG Corp. 23,534 0 23,534 33.3 33.3 33.3
Foreigners 29,747 5,375 35,122 42.1 48.1 46.9
Institutions / Individuals 17,311 2,308 19,619 24.5 18.5 19.2
Treasury Stock 0 6 6 0 0.0 0.5
Total 70,592 7,689 78,281 100 100 100
Exercise of Voting Right in the 23th General Meeting of Shareholders (2023)
(Unit : 1,000 shares)
Exercise of Voting Right in the 23th General Meeting of Shareholders (2023) :총발행 주식수 ,의결권 주식수 ,참석 주식수 ,최대주주((주)LG) ,기타주주 ,의결권 행사비율 , 최대주주 및 특수관계인 제외 의결권 행사비율
Total Issued Shares Shares with Voting Right Shares in Attendance Largest Shareholders (LG Corp.) Other Shareholders Percentage of Voting Right Exclusion Ratio for Controlling Shareholders and Related Parties
78,281 70,592 56,513 23,534 32,979 80% 50.9%